[Notice from the Division of Health Service]

As the domestic COVID-19 epidemic situation has been escalating, all staff and students please continually implement the following precautions of pandemic prevention to maintain the safety of the campus and the community:

1. If you receive a notification from the health unit as a "confirmed case", a "contact", a "self-health management person" or a "self-health monitor person", please notify your mentor, and reach the Division of Health Service during working hours (07-3121101 ext. 2117); or the Campus Security Center (special line: 07-3220809) during non-working hours.

Self-health management person: For those who are 7 days after the home quarantine/isolation period, or after receiving a notification from the health units that must perform the self-health management, should not enter the campus or go to places where crowds gather and follow the instructions to conduct the screening test.

Self-health monitor person: If you receive a cell SMS notification, please follow the instructions to take the test, and pay attention to your physical condition to see if you have any symptoms. If you have symptoms, please seek medical treatment immediately. Those who are asymptomatic need to monitor their health for 10 days.

2. If you have a fever, please avoid taking anti-fever medicines on your own, but seek medical treatment as soon as possible; Also, log in to the WAC system for D.2.8.11- Autonomous health management: https://reurl.cc/nEk0EX, to perform self-health management. Follow the principle of "no school/ work when you are ill" to stop the occurrence of campus clusters and prevent the spread of the epidemic.

3. Wash your hands regularly, wear a mask when going out, implement the SMS contact tracing system (scan the venue QR code) and maintain a safe social distance.

4. If your COVID-19 vaccination status (from January 1, 111) has changed, please update and fill in the form at "D.2.8.17.a.學生COVID-19疫苗施打/校外工讀維護 " on WAC system (https://wac.kmu.edu.tw/stu/stusch/stum2817.php; you may change the language into English)

Please complete the COVID-19 vaccination ASAP to have sufficient protection!

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