[Notice from the Office of General Affairs]

1. In order to promote plastic reduction and environmental protection of green life on campus, the school prohibits disposable tableware and bottled water. When purchasing meals and beverages, everyone should bring their own environmentally-friendly cups (lunch boxes) and chopsticks.
2. For conferences/meetings, seminars, gatherings, competitions, and other related activities that are held in the school, the organizer should inform the participants to bring their own reusable food ware; When ordering the boxed meal (bento), be sure to remind the restaurants/shops not to provide disposable food ware to enter the campus.
3. Offices and meeting rooms are not allowed to provide bottled water, instead, reusable cups should be used throughout.
4. The Office of General Affairs has prepared reusable chopsticks and porcelain cups for borrowing. Please clean and return it as soon as possible after the use. The General Affairs Division will carry out the disinfection for the convenience of subsequent borrowers.
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